Everybody wants that fresh, supple, peach glow on their faces. But the fact is that every time you think it’s going to be perfect, a thick cloud of smoke comes and clogs that glow. If not the pollution, then deadlines kill the drills you do to maintain
A comfortable lifestyle has made us carry a rougher approach towards our body. Trapped in the basic machinery of life we have started treating our body as lifeless machinery too.Neglecting the vast spectrum of services that this valuable creation is offering us each second,we retort to damage
Yoga has the remedy for everything. It has given us the key to heal each syndrome and side-effects of a lifestyle which we have violated enough. In the day to day tough routine of long working hours on chair, our spine gets more overworked than its endurance
Hairs are an integral part of one’s physicality. They give your personality a boost. The individuality you flaunt has a deeper effect from the kind of hairstyles you carry. Hairfall or inhibited hair growth can become a real demotivating part of your personal confidence build –up- factory.