DNA and Its Role in Weight Gain and Loss
When attempting to lose weight, there are lots of things that we can do. For example, this includes introducing a healthy sleep pattern, lots of exercise, and a balanced diet. However, there are some things that you can’t control. For one thing, your DNA.
DNA impacts the shape of our nose, our eye colour, hair, and lots of other features. Yet, people often forget to think about genetics when it comes to weight gain and loss. If genetics affect our facial features, they also play a role in our ability to lose weight.
According to Harvard Medical School, there’s no universal impact of genetics on weight because the relationship is a complex one – it changes for each individual. You probably know (and envy) someone that can eat chocolate every day and still keep an amazing figure. Meanwhile, you’re eating healthily, working out, and are still struggling to reach your target weight.
Calories vs Genetics
For the longest time, the key to losing weight has been simple. You need to burn more calories than you consume. If you burn 2,000 calories in a day and consume 1,800, you’re going to lose weight. However, this old way of thinking is quickly growing outdated. There’s no doubting the importance of calories when attempting to lose or gain weight, but this black and white mindset doesn’t consider genetics.
For some people, Harvard found that genetic influence reaches up to 80% – this is the role that genetics play on weight disorders. At the other end of the scale, the genetic influence in others can be as low as 25%. If you’ve been trying to lose weight and not much seems to work, it could be that you have less control over the outcome of your efforts than the person next to you in the gym. While they might have a genetic influence of 30%, yours could exceed 70%.
The Complete Approach to Weight Goals
With obesity such a problem in the modern world, it’s important to find the true cause of the problem. As well as genetic influence, several other causes shouldn’t be forgotten. For example, this includes unhealthy diets (those with too much fat and sugar), sedentary lifestyles, health problems, medication, and even psychological issues.
Do you have a genetic problem? If you think that you do, consider using DNA analysis and health testing services to help identify what those underlying problems may be. Warning signs might be that you never seem to lose weight despite putting in lots of effort with your workout schedule and eating habits. Some people affected by genetics adopt a healthy lifestyle and still don’t get results. If one or both of your parents are overweight, you’re significantly more likely to be overweight too (and for this to be in your genes).
On the other hand, it probably isn’t a genetics problem if you can lose weight with some effort. If you’ve tried living healthier in the past, and you lost weight, this suggests that the problem is a lifestyle one rather than a genetics one.
As time goes on, researchers and scientists learn more about genetics and how they affect the body. For now, experts believe that weight loss plans need to consider both lifestyle and genetics. If you’ve had problems with weight your whole life, it might be that you need to pay more attention to the genetics side of the equation. If so, contact your doctor and come up with a strategy that considers genetics and how you can overcome the higher risk of obesity. Your doctor will help with a healthy exercise plan and diet while considering potential health conditions and medications.